Archives for ‘article’
James Blunt
The onetime British army captain, who served stints as a peacekeeper in Kosovo and guard at Buckingham Palace, is now preparing to conquer the US with his sublime songs and chillingly emotive live performances.
The dreams we dream
Am I living the dream, as she is sure I am? Is this weekly paper with its shared office, cluttered desk and temperamental computer what my dreams are made of?
Practical Jokes that are truly Practical
You ever see those signs on the side of the road that ask “Got junk?” and then have the phone number of some lunatic with a box truck who’ll charge you fifty thousand times what the dump will charge you
Weekend Visit to Ikea
My husband and I fall into the DINK category: Dual Incomes No Kids. On a recent long weekend, we decided to brave the traffic and drive to the nearest IKEA in Etobicoke.
Kingston to Calgary
With first-round plans to move to Vancouver and meet up with a college buddy, I finally managed to convince a close friend of mine to ditch his crap-hole job and come with me.
A Dying Reality TV Producer
How come nobody ever thought about having a show, where the contestants have a roast beef fight? You know, running around, laughing, and throwing freshly sliced, warm roast beef.
War of the Worlds
It’s clear that Spielberg was operating on a post-September-11th level here, and in this film he is brilliant at composing images that are suggestive of not only the destruction of that day..
New Rules, New NHL.
What is new and improved you ask? Well there are a host of rule changes, a per team salary cap of US$39 million and a bunch of other small changes.
Khan Leak
He was a perfect mole, working for a combined CIA/ISI task force. Khan sent and received encrypted e-mails to key al Qaeda figures in the hope of pinpointing their locations and intentions.
Death Cab for Cutie
The first single, “Soul Meets Body” showcases Ben Gibbard’s unique vocal styling and deft lyricism within a romantically haunting keyboard-laden music bed.
Crazy Hot New Music
Much like our past features, such as “Mad Fast Reviews” I’m going to quickly attempted to brainwash you out of the mainstream tar pits and into the world of dope, hot, buzzin’ new beats.
A Visit to a Nation’s Capital
What is really great is that you can even get a tour of the heart of a democracy. I can’t speak for all nations but I know that in England, the US and Germany you can not get full-fledged tours..
A Cultural City Break in Ottawa
The Group of Seven paintings were a highlight for me, and the National Gallery of Canada has the most comprehensive collection of these paintings in the world.
Batman Begins
Do we really have any free will, or do we just act out the byproducts of the genetic code we’ve inherited as it’s filtered through a lens of childhood traumas and incoming stimuli?
Book Review: Simple Truths
It’s not a new book or one that is burning down the best seller lists. Put simply, it is a guide to life written by an individual with a PHd in Theology and Art.
JVC GR-HD1 Review
I would suspect they are created during MPEG-2 compression, due to an insufficient bitrate. I can actually hear the camera change speed when playing back DV footage, compared to SD and HD footage.
Why might I need a HD Camera?
Now why would you shoot at 16:9? Aside from artistic reasons, it has the potential to look sharper when played back on a high definition television.
Jason Mraz
These 12 songs recognize the events of Mraz’s last few years, in which he left the coffee houses where he was raised and was thrust into the theatre and arena circuits.
The stomach is grumbling and you can’t ignore the call. You need to refuel with something that’s not going to go right through you like some kid on a waterslide. The answer is simple… sammiches.
Nike Shox Shoes
I’ve heard the rumors that Nike shoes actually create injury, I was still at a point of desperation when it came to getting some new running shoes, so I was willing to find out.
Don’t Drink & Pork
Its so close Calgarians can taste it, and are ready to celebrate. Beer is chugged. Boobs are flashed. But it could all end at any moment… those with lust in their hearts know they have to act fast.
How about them Apples?
It was important to select an inconspicuous grocery store for the task, as ringing through 10 different bags of one apple each did not seem to make my cashier very enthused.
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same
We are in a position where we can live comfortably in a large urban centre, and buy nice things for ourselves. Yet our savings are increasing but our spending has not. Why?
Santa Cruz & The Monterey Peninsula
There are also some excellent wineries in the area, especially up Carmel valley which won’t be as crowded as the “super-wineries” of the Napa Valley area…
Marcel – Changes Colours Again
I Like To Tell Ya Thingz is the crown jewel of Marcel’s and MC Conrad’s collaboration. Conrad is more than just the narrator, he is playing the game. His distinctive voice feeding your addiction…
Sony PSP
Personally I was excited to get my hands on the new Sony PSP. So on March 24th I was like a little kid opening up the box of my brand new Sony PSP. Was it worth it?
Kensington Expert Mouse
Everyone I know is jumping on the ergonomics bandwagon. Since the working population finds themselves sitting at a computer for the better part of the week one can get a bit sore or even injured.
How to spend your money at the movies this year
Summer is just around the corner, and that means the theaters will be flooded. The studios will take advantage of the nice weather and people’s summer vacation schedules to release the best films of 2005.
Knights of the Old Republic II
Well maybe you are perpetuating that guy’s ability to live a life of “weakness”, perhaps he would have been better off getting a little beating to teach him a lesson. Maybe you should administer the beating.
The Cost of War
Almost all of these revelations occurred to me over a couple weeks driving around Abadan Iran, an area that was the center of the Iran Iraq war 18 years ago. Over a million people died in that war.
Who Makes Movies?
The MPAA has expanded the scope of their anti-piracy campaign, with spots specifically targeting horror fans, Bridget Fonda fans, and porn lovers. We salute the MPAA in their struggle against all that is evil.
Jaja Jazzist – Video
‘What We Must’ is the next chapter in the Jaga Jazzist history, a kaleidoscopic take on rock stylings, rolling from early 90s British shoegazer guitar pop to 70s prog rock.
Claire Nicolson
With parts of her debut album recorded at the Mud Hut Studios, Claire Nicolson just could well be one of Britain’s most exciting singer / songwriters around..
Archos Gmini 400
We’re talking serious convergence plus excellent build quality, and outstanding functionality. After the initial learning curve, you will be up and running within minutes of powering the unit on.
You’re a Fag!
Chances are, in the world where gaydom orbits, those adjectives and descriptions have been bandied about mercilessly simply because it’s easy. Easy to say and easy to learn.
Filters (the non-smoking kind):
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