Gameboy Advance SP

by Dijita

Two years ago I bought a Game Boy Advance just before my trip to Vegas. I figured it would provide some good entertainment while performing the ritualistic boring wait in the airport. Sure enough it did a job well done. My only complaint was that it was always hard to see the game. I always found myself fidgeting and shuffling about to find the perfect angle to aim the Game Boy so that just the right amount of light would allow me to see the screen. Eventually I bought one of those gimmicky lights that attach to the Game Boy but what I found was that it produced so much glare that it was still a challenge for my eyes.

Just recently, Nintendo released the Game Boy Advance SP. It’s essentially just like its predecessor only it features a new compact foldable design, a backlit LCD screen, and built in lithium ion rechargeable battery. Just like the original Game Boy Advance, it still displays up to 32,000 colors at once, and is compatible with all Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance game packs.

Since my dilemma with the original Game Boy Advance was the difficulty of seeing the screen, it was the backlit screen that convinced me to buy a Game Boy for the 2nd time. The backlit screen was definitely worth the purchase alone. I could turn the Game Boy on in almost any situation and never have a problem seeing a clear image on the screen. The only time it was difficult to see was when the sun was shining directly on the screen.

The new compact design for the most part is a big plus. One of the nice things about it is that when you are done playing it folds up much like a cell phone. Not only does this make it nice and small and easy to carry around, it also protects the LCD screen from any scratches and abuse that it might and probably will incur. One disadvantage in the design is that for those with bigger hands you’re going to find the system a little awkward to hold on to. With the buttons being so close to each other, after a bit of game play you might find that your fingers get cramped.

The Game Boy Advance comes packaged with an adapter that you can plug in to re-charge the system. So far I have had no complaints concerning the built in lithium battery. I’ve owned the system for roughly 3 weeks now and have played it quiet frequently during that time, and have only needed to recharge the battery once.

One thing that I’ve always loved about the Game Boy Advance (new and old) was its huge game library. With all the new generation consoles out right now, and the industry hyped on 3D graphics, its always nice to know that I can go back in time by simply turning on my Game Boy and playing a good old 2D side scrolling game. If you’re a fan of the old Super Nintendo system than you’re in luck, because Nintendo is doing an excellent job of remaking all the old classics and bringing them to the Game Boy Advance. On top of all the old classics, the system also has a large collection of newer games that are just as entertaining.

So in the end is the system worth it? If you don’t own a Game Boy at all, then it is an easy decision. Whether you travel a lot or simply just want something fun to play in your spare time, the Game Boy Advance SP will satisfy any game cravings you may have. If you already own the original Game Boy Advance then really it depends on what you’re looking for. The backlit screen is a nice advantage but perhaps you might be happier with the original design that gives you a little bit more finger room. In my opinion however, I believe that once you get used to the new design the new SP version with its new features is well worth the money.

  • Gameboy Advance SP
  • by Dijita
  • Published on August 1st, 2003

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